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3 votes

Why won't my 555 strobe circuit work as intended?

I managed to solve it. Here is what I did: First I reversed that capacitor that Jens mentioned. I also replaced it with a 22uF one later due to short pulses. After that I looked at the circuit more ...
Mehmet IŞIK's user avatar
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How does this circuit generate a PWM output, and how do the components interact to create the waveform?

I agree with Kartman (comments section), most of your questions will be answered by understanding how the R-C network behaves in the circuit you posted. RC Network and Triangular Wave Generation How ...
Fabio Barone's user avatar
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How to generate short 60V pulses from 3V source?

Here is a solution where the transformer discharge pulse goes directly into the output. It uses two pins on your microcontroller, one for the charge pulse and the other for returning the output to ...
Rainer P.'s user avatar
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How to generate short 60V pulses from 3V source?

To get 60V from 3V is not difficult, but not trivial either. You should probably ask another question on the site dedicated to that task alone, but be specific about your requirements. Nobody here ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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2 votes

How to generate short 60V pulses from 3V source?

You should create a solid target voltage first. A discharge will not meet your pulse shape requirements. Worst case current is 60V/10k = 6mA. You should be able to do this with a boost converter. You ...
Mattman944's user avatar
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3 votes

How to generate short 60V pulses from 3V source?

Use a coupled inductor flyback boost topology, where the flyback inductor has two windings (or a single tapped winding) so it gets both a transformer step-up and a flyback kick. maybe start with the ...
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar
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How to generate short 60V pulses from 3V source?

You can simply use 2 boost converters in series. The first one boosts the 3V to something around 24-30V. The second one boosts the output of the first to 60V. You could probably even use the ...
Barry's user avatar
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How to measure current of pulsed power, what's wrong with my current shunt?

The current probe has a low pass characteristic. According the datasheet, it's upper cut-off frequency is 50kHz. Hence any current components with frequencies greater than this will be under ...
RYR051's user avatar
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