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11 votes

Op Amp Feedback Resistors

To a first-order approximation, it's a matter of how much current the op-amp can provide (sets a lower bound on resistance), how much power you can stand to consume (sets a lower bound) how much error ...
Hearth's user avatar
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10 votes

If more collisions happen with more resistance, why less heat is generated?

It is useful to draw an analogy between electric current and wind. At standard temperature and pressure, molecules in the air are traveling in random directions at very high velocities (in the range ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
6 votes

Op Amp Feedback Resistors

There are a few considerations. Frequency- at high frequency various capacitances have an effect so you don't generally want to be using MΩ resistors at high frequencies. It could cause poor behavior ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
3 votes

Resistance between any two points

\$R_{BF}\$ is shorted directly, so the calculation is pretty easy. Redraw the circuit and you'll see that the answer for \$R_{CD}\$ has to be $$R_{CD} = R2 \parallel (R3 + R4 \parallel R5)$$ You can ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
2 votes

Generator With Adjustable Resistance

As you say, when you PWM a brushed DC permanent magnet motor, usually the motor has enough inductance so that you can dispense with any further filtering components and just use the switch. You can ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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2 votes

Resistance vs Capacity in Building a Power Bank

In principle, you want the currents between paralleled cells to be matched, so you want matched resistance across each parallel section. In principle, you want each series block to have the same ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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1 vote

Op Amp Feedback Resistors

Introduction Both non-inverting and inverting op-amp amplifiers use the same voltage divider as a feedback network; only in the former, it is an ordinary 1-input device while in the latter, it is a 2-...
Circuit fantasist's user avatar
1 vote

Activating a circuit with a change in resistance

If the no-object-present resistance of the sensor is known, the sensor can be employed as a member of a resistor potential divider, whose output potential varies as the sensor resistance varies. Let's ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I calculate total resistance?

\$R_1\$ is neither parallel nor in series with \$ R_2||R_3 \$. You have to apply KCL and KVL to find the resistance seen by E or J current sources. If there is no current source J and the branch is ...
Amit M's user avatar
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Need Help- Burglar Alarm System

For driving simple loads, both of those transistor can be used. And it causes no change to the resistor.
Justme's user avatar
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1 vote

Resistance between any two points

It might help to redraw the circuit to better represent the series and parallel combinations of resistances found between C and D: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
  • 42.1k

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