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Thevenized Resistance

From what I see you did not disconnect (remove) the load resistance from the circuit. Because we want to find the resistance seen by the load resistance. This is why we need to remove it from the ...
G36's user avatar
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12 volt resistance sensor to 5 volt

Most fuel gauges don’t work the way a lot of people might expect. You might think the sensor rheostat is part of a voltage divider and the gauge just measures the voltage, but it’s trickier than that. ...
GodJihyo's user avatar
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Measuring resistance of conductive carbon parts

If you want the resistance of the sheet you should do a 4-point measurement. If you want the resistance of the sheet plus contact resistances you should do a 2-point measurement. I wouldn't make any ...
Fred's user avatar
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Is a secondary resistance of 1.2 ohm OK in an inverter?

The part that looks like a capacitor isn't a capacitor. It is a metal oxide varistor (MOV.) MOVs often fail short circuit. An MOV would be installed where the AC power comes into the device. That ...
JRE's user avatar
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Limiting power in a circuit efficiently?

So many ways. Dimmers cut off sine wave at certain level leaving only part of power going through. Variable transformer is another way. It all depends on the load. Usually load is what defines the ...
TQQQ's user avatar
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Limiting power in a circuit efficiently?

You are right about resistor losses, it is an inefficient way to decrease power. In AC an efficient approach to decrease power to load is to use a triac chopper. It cuts part of sine so effectively ...
Michal Podmanický's user avatar
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Limiting power in a circuit efficiently?

This very much depends on the load you are trying to power; this is not as simple as putting a brick in your toilet tank to reduce water consumption. Even an incandescent lightbulb cannot be modeled ...
vir's user avatar
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