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3 votes

How can flipflops sense the edges of the signals?

Edge-triggered flip-flops are specific instances of a type of logic circuit called "asynchronous state machines". The theory and design of ASMs fills several chapters of a college-level ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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5 votes

How can flipflops sense the edges of the signals?

The simplest answer from some point of view is that a flipflop can be thought or being just two latches one after another. The data passes throuh from input through the first latch when enable is low, ...
Justme's user avatar
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6 votes

How can flipflops sense the edges of the signals?

The SN74HC74 datasheet shows how a flip-flop (here also with set/clear inputs) is implemented: These boxes are transmission gates, i.e., 1:1 switches like those in the SN74HC4066. Please note that ...
CL.'s user avatar
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How can flipflops sense the edges of the signals?

Based on what is written in the text by Thomas Floyd, Fundamentals of Digital Electronics (translated into Italian and published by Principato 1988), my answer is the following: the circuit is called ...
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