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8 votes

Unknown DC-DC converter topology in ST datasheet

It is a flyback. Don't let the number of diodes confuse you here - that bridge rectifier is just necessary because the circuit strives to do full-wave rectification. A flyback converter's transformer ...
mmmm's user avatar
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7 votes

I2C differential network architecture using PCA9615

You'll find that modern cars are essentiall 2.55m × 3m robots containing a human driver. The guys producing millions of them have agreed to use CAN, because the combined cost of cabling + CAN-capable ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
7 votes

Do you know about topologies that look like this?

This is a 3-level single-phase boost converter. I think it has been originally presented in a paper at APEC in 1995: You can simulate this structure with SIMPLIS for instance and the below circuit is ...
Verbal Kint's user avatar
6 votes

How to select DC-DC converter topology?

I recommend picking a topology, and running down the design path enough to get a feel for if you can meet your requirements. If you can't, and can't see a way to easily fix it, move on to the next ...
Scott Seidman's user avatar
6 votes

Do you know about topologies that look like this?

Do you know about topologies that look like this? Yes. Is this right? Yes, that is one variant of the family of converters known as "3-level boost converters". How do I search it? Well, ...
Fabio Barone's user avatar
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Designing a CANbus+DC power network of sensors

What do you think about this scheme? From the OP it seems you describe mixed topology with very long runs. The CAN bus is not particularly suitable for this. It is designed for single long run with ...
Maple's user avatar
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5 votes

Where do electric circuit topologies come from?

Ans: inventors create them. From nothing. Then everyone else hooks them together as "building blocks" to create more complicated systems. Then sometimes years later, mathematicians work ...
wbeaty's user avatar
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Create a synchronous network of 400 devices

First, synchronize all of the devices to a common timebase using NTP, PTP or GPS, depending on your actual accuracy requirements (on the order of ms, µs, or ns, respectively).1 NTP should be ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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How to select DC-DC converter topology?

Picking a topology for a DC-DC converter starts with defining the requirements. Personally, I'd first check the necessity of isolation. If it is not necessary then, depending on the relationship ...
Rohat Kılıç's user avatar
4 votes

How is circuit topology chosen in analog designs?

Often, for board-level design one engineer will be responsible for an entire board. If it's complicated, or if it has a mix of critical digital and analog components, or if it's got an FPGA on it, ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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How is circuit topology chosen in analog designs?

How does 1 play out? I spend a portion of my time researching circuits. A good engineer is also a good researcher, they know how to find information. There are many sources, books, research papers, ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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4 votes

Unknown DC-DC converter topology in ST datasheet

This has some characteristics of a forward converter, (or it uses "forward" topology). See this wikipedia article or this guide. Specifically, the current in the secondary of the transformer ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
4 votes

Two different topologies for flyback

You usually need a slightly stronger magnetizing current with an active-clamp flyback (ACF) than in a classical QR converter. This is because of the need to swing negative in the case of the ACF so ...
Verbal Kint's user avatar
4 votes

What is an integrator topology?

Basic ideas Perfect current integrator To make an integrator, we need a storage ("accumulating") element. In electronics, we usually use a capacitor for this purpose. When we charge it with ...
Circuit fantasist's user avatar
4 votes

Using an N-channel FET as a switch

Does the circuit above using an N-channel FET (with the source connected to MCU_NRST and the drain connected to FTDI-DTR), achieve this purpose? No it won't work because, irrespective of the gate ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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3 votes

Can 10Base-T1L / 10Base-T1S Ethernet be used in a bus topology?

10BASE-T1S can be used in a bus network (mixing segment) with up to at least 8 nodes and up to at least 25m. A Physical Layer Collision Avoidance Algorithm (PLCA) is also used in conjunction with the ...
TimB's user avatar
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2 votes

Feedback Topologies

Firstly, let us look at some equivalent terms series-shunt:voltage series or voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS) series-series:current series or voltage controlled current source (VCCS) shunt-...
Kaswechiha's user avatar
2 votes

Circuit topology name and function for PNP transistor in light barrier circuit

You made a good start by setting up a simulation. Unfortunately, your simulation is misleading you. There are two issues: The phototransistor is not an ideal current source; instead, you should be ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

CAN bus expander circuit

The TJA1050 CAN PHY can't be used to make a passive CAN hub/repeater. If any device starts to pull the TXD is low to transmit dominant state on the CAN bus, the receiver is still active as it can ...
Justme's user avatar
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2 votes

Unknown DC-DC converter topology in ST datasheet

Fly-Forward is a valid topology. This can run with either a gapped core (preferred), or solid ring toroid. Lack of any primary side snubber or clamp or any quasi-resonant capacitor, is bit scary ...
Terry Moreau's user avatar
2 votes

Unknown DC-DC converter topology in ST datasheet

Because the primary circuit goes open-circuit when Q1 is off - there is no snubbing or core-reset circuitry - I'm in the flyback camp. IMHO - The reason for four diodes is that there are ((two)) ...
AnalogKid's user avatar
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CAN Bus Topology, is it possible to have "T" shape topology?

Take note of what is said in the document you linked: - Maximum unterminated stub length is 0.3 metres Terminations are required at both ends of the cable This also means that you must have two (...
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 467k
2 votes

Why does 10BASE-T require hubs?

Not particularly. Twisted-pair could work the same way, if you built a properly impedance-controlled 8P8C T-connector (which sounds a bit fiddly, but doable). But I don't think anyone really wanted ...
hobbs's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does 10BASE-T require hubs?

There is nothing specific about coax (rg6) and cat 5 unshielded twisted pair that prevents the latter from working in a bus topology. The extra shielding in rg6 helps but the twisting in cat5 should ...
Passerby's user avatar
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What is an integrator topology?

Here's the basic op-amp integrator circuit (source: Wikipedia: The feedback to the inverting input goes through a capacitor. In order to keep the inverting input at the same potential as the non-...
The Photon's user avatar
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2 votes

What is an integrator topology?

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab In his answer, the forum member Circuit Fantasist has mentioned the name "Miller integrator". In fact, this integrator ...
LvW's user avatar
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2 votes

LED indication for driven n-FET inputs

The first schematic will not work as intended. The forward voltage of the LED dominates the gate voltage, so different LED colors will produce different gate voltages and some combinations of LED and ...
Jens's user avatar
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2 votes

Using an N-channel FET as a switch

I would swap the source and drain of M1. The body diode is not shown. As drawn, the DTR signal would pull NRST down independent of the control signal. If source and drain are swapped, since when DTR ...
JkingNH's user avatar
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2 votes

Using an N-channel FET as a switch

What I really want is to implement this function table: CTRL FTDI OUT 0 0 0 0 1 Z 1 0 Z 1 1 Z One of the simplest circuits ...
kaosad's user avatar
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1 vote

Two different topologies for flyback

Is this correct? Active clamp flyback converters have higher efficiency (or even the highest amongst all the flyback configs) because the dissipative snubber-clamper of a QR flyback is replaced with ...
Rohat Kılıç's user avatar

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