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77 votes

What happened to electrolytic capacitors in the 21st century?

There was a period of time where lots of capacitors were made with a dodgy electrolyte, especially by some large Taiwanese manufacturers. The capacitors looked OK in a wide variety of tests when new, ...
Jack B's user avatar
  • 12.3k
58 votes

Why were germanium diodes so fast and germanium transistors so slow?

Major factors affecting bipolar transistor frequency response include:- minority carrier transit time junction resistance junction capacitance These can all be reduced by reducing the physical ...
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
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53 votes

Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented

It wasn't. In the early days (ca 1890) long-distance telephony was done from sound-proofed booths and often using non-standard (4-wire) telephones. New York to Chicago was the limit on range. By 1911,...
WhatRoughBeast's user avatar
40 votes

Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented

Amplification, before tube amplifiers were available, could be achieved in several ways. Some of them are: Using a electrodynamic speaker coupled to a carbon microphone, to form a repeater. Using the ...
next-hack's user avatar
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33 votes

What happened to electrolytic capacitors in the 21st century?

Industrial espionage gone wrong. Verified many years after the fact. Though it was suspected from nearly the beginning. (Article courstesy of The Wayback Machine, since the original is gone from ...
JRE's user avatar
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24 votes

Can you help me identify this manufacturer's logo on this component

As TypeIA suspected, this is a Standard Rectifier Corporation diode. The logo below is from Electronics, Feb 3, 1961, page 81.
Ken Shirriff's user avatar
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23 votes

Why does this vintage DRAM chip enable circuit require such a beefy resistor?

Am I missing something in my understanding of the switching function of Q1? No. Am I missing something in my understanding of the resistor sizing? Not in the value vs. supply voltage vs. power ...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 46.7k
23 votes

What is this "/|\" symbol on the enclosures of various appliances?

The Broad Arrow (aka 'pheon') indicates that the item in question was once (British) Government property - a Crown asset.
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
22 votes

Are there special protocols one should take when handling vintage/old electronics?

A loose list. I'm torn between this question being far too broad and far too interesting. What I shall clearly not do is address the physiological effects of chemical compounds. Just so much: don't ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
22 votes

Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented

The funnel you're supposed to yell into is actually a horn: Horns are acoustic transformers, they are usually used the other way around: a high-pressure transducer ("compression driver") is mounted ...
bobflux's user avatar
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20 votes

What's this vintage diode(?) from the 1970s?

initial thoughts Every part in this circuit is doing something useful. Some of them are doing more than one thing. It's a minimal class-AB/class-B output stage, with voltage gain. I'll try and cover ...
periblepsis's user avatar
19 votes

Why does this diode/capacitor combination appear on every board in a vintage computer?

The diodes are reverse voltage protection. They conduct if the voltage is reversed shorting out the supply enough to blow a fuse or trip a crowbar. It’s done this way rather than a series diode to ...
GodJihyo's user avatar
  • 26.1k
18 votes

Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented

The pre-vacuum-tube telephone system used exactly the carbon-granule microphone as the amplifier. What Bell invented was the use of essentially the same device as speaker and microphone. Now we call ...
BillF's user avatar
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16 votes

A story behind a weird inductor

It's a once very common horizontal linearity adjstment for CRT raster scan TV sets. It basically uses core saturation to achieve a somehow current dependent inductance. Bias magnet just changes ...
carloc's user avatar
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16 votes

What kind of capacitor blew up in my old IBM monitor?

What you have there are metallized impregnated paper capacitors made by KEMET. Here is a datasheet of the parts. The most important thing you have to look for is the capacity rating which should be ...
Arsenal's user avatar
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16 votes

What is this component? 1970s electronics

What Is This Component? It's the outer magnetic coil of a reed relay. The two axial connections connected into the glass body are for the reed contact: - The picture above shows the coil (bottom) ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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16 votes

Can you help me identify this manufacturer's logo on this component

It could be a Standard Rectifier Corporation 240E10,R. It appears in this June 1960 catalog. The company seems to be defunct: it was registered in 1960 and then its registration was surrendered in ...
TypeIA's user avatar
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15 votes

Amplification before tubes and transistors were invented

Telephones are older than vacuum tubes and of course transistors. How was signal amplification done? I remember when I was a kid you could buy a plastic handset that connected to another plastic ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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15 votes

Replacing 1960s Motor Capacitor - Vintage Sewing Machine

Motors for household sewing machines are typically universal motors - they have brushes and run on DC as well as AC. A universal motor doesn't have a start or run capacitor like some AC motors The ...
JRE's user avatar
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14 votes

Can anyone help identify this mystery integrated circuit?

Most likely a resistor network. This would be an uncommon color for an integrated circuit. CTS doesn't presently make integrated circuits, but they still make resistor networks. I can't decode the ...
Mattman944's user avatar
  • 16.6k
14 votes

Identify this type of diode from the 1970s (1.3V forward)?

I'm going to take a wild-a** guess and suggest this is a stabistor that is intended to allow the use of a non-Hg battery after trade in those cells became restricted (typical mercury battery voltage ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
13 votes

Fixing old CRT oscilloscopes... what to look for first?

Get ahold of the service manuals first. Make sure you are experienced enough to be comfortable working safely with multi-kV voltages such as all CRT scopes use. There is quite enough voltage and ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
13 votes

Is there a name for this vintage 3-pin connector configuration?

Jones plug, 303 format, as made by Cinch (which acquired Jones in the 1940s): ...
david's user avatar
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12 votes

A story behind a weird inductor

In old tv sets you find a vertical and horizontal deflection system realized with inductors round the neck of the tv tube. The part in the picture comes from the horizontal or line deflection system. ...
Decapod's user avatar
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12 votes

What do "cycles" in a capacitor mean?

It's your mains frequency (cycles per second). And MFD means microfarads, which you probably know already. You won't find a spec like that on the capacitor datasheet. That's really, really old. 25Hz ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
11 votes

Are there special protocols one should take when handling vintage/old electronics?

Try not to eat too many soldered joints. That should take care of the lead problem. High voltage capacitors used to be filled with poisonous PCB oils until (quite) recently. RF transistors often use ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
  • 171k
11 votes

What kind of capacitor blew up in my old IBM monitor?

It's a line filter capacitor, an X2. That series has a reputation for failure after a number of years and you can find other pictures like yours on the internet. The dielectric is paper soaked with ...
Robert Endl's user avatar
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