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3 votes

New design with XC9500XL CPLDs, is it already obsolete?

I would say your answer is at the top of datasheet. This series seems to be end of life, and as some of the comments mentioned, it was long in the tooth 10 years ago. The only one that might still be ...
awjlogan's user avatar
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2 votes

Bin file in ZYBO FPGA (boot from SPI)

Yes, you need to generate an FSBL (first stage boot loader) file for the Zynq. The Zynq is different from other 7-series devices in that it has a pair of Arm processors and a bunch of peripherals in &...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

Explanation a line in SPI Realisation in C: receive data

The #define is a preprocessor directive, which allows a programmer to write something that looks like a function call but isn’t - in this case it keeps the code readable and concise. In this case ...
Frog's user avatar
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2 votes

Cross GNU ARM Toolchain

1) Cross - meaning you can compile on architecture A to the machine code of architecture B. 2) GNU - recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!". A Linux based project focusing on providing free open ...
Eugene Sh.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Cannot send two digit number using realterm to xilinx microblaze through serial port

A byte can be between 0 and 255. If you send, for example, decimal 65 then the system will translate it to 'A'. Once you've received the byte, 'A', just convert it to an integer with (unsigned int)...
Rohat Kılıç's user avatar
1 vote

Linux on a Xilinx FPGA without EDK

@Blair Fonville is right, you can only run Linux on a Sofprocessor in FPGA. Microblaze can run Linux, But I think it will need a significant number of logic ...
zdun8's user avatar
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