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ks0ze's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Why isn't this VHDL falling edge detector reliable?

3 votes

MMC/eMMC Boot sequence

2 votes

Trick VHDL Synthesizer to synthesize despite no input signals

2 votes

VHDL convert binary to hex, and hex to string

1 vote

VHDL many .ucf files or not

1 vote

VHDL clock divider

1 vote

VHDL process sensitivity list

1 vote

Simulation on VHDL failing

1 vote

How to interface UART with BRAM in xilinx virtex 5

1 vote

Open a picture and read its Pixel Values

1 vote

Why is this logic vector assignment delayed?

1 vote

Simple binary adder works only partially

1 vote

Moving a large dataset from the PS to PL on a zynq device?

0 votes

Zynq - Configuring SPI clock to idle high

0 votes

Queries related to implementing phase shift of sinusoidal wave after some time delay

0 votes

Why am i not getting a constant delay circuit for any input size?

0 votes

VHDL - D flip flop simulation goes wrong