Craig Trader's user avatar
Craig Trader's user avatar
Craig Trader's user avatar
Craig Trader
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
15 votes

Soldering Iron Maintenance

3 votes

ATMEGA32 Jtag flash

4 votes

How do I detect the pattern of the knock on a door, and use it as a signature to unlock a door?

13 votes

Why is AVR used in Arduino?

6 votes

Create multi touch display for full light

3 votes

How do you build your own RFID reader?

2 votes

Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) to USB Adapter

12 votes

Encryption Library for Arduino

15 votes

Switch between 5V power supplies?

9 votes

ATTiny2313 ISR stack usage

8 votes

microsoft robotics: cheap but very extensible robot?

5 votes

Teensy development

7 votes

How do I find an E.E. to partner with for a product?

5 votes

Who is the CPU or FPGA maker in this picture?

3 votes

BlinkM temperature indicator

6 votes

JTAG debugging AVR

2 votes

Turning the TV-B-Gone into a universal remote

1 vote

Modding a robosapien

9 votes

Saving Arduino sensor data to a text file

2 votes

Saving data to an SD card memory module using an Arduino

5 votes

Serial Enabled LCD

1 vote

DSP recommendation for beginners

1 vote

Arduino Twitters