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stanri's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Apply PWM signal to PIN of a Microcontroller

3 votes

LED Breathing Effect

3 votes

Using SVN with Xilinx Vivado?

3 votes

Question regarding PCB design layout of Raspberry Pi

3 votes

Using Digital Clock Manager with Verilog to generate 25Mhz clock from 32Mhz internal clock

3 votes

Access NEON coprocessor from programmable logic in Zynq

3 votes

AXI stream slave

3 votes

VHDL: Converting from an INTEGER type to a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR

3 votes

How can I view, debug, or analyze data being input to my FPGA?

3 votes

Recursion in VHDL, performance? what is the difference with a conventional programming language?

2 votes

usb interface for fpga & Nios

2 votes

What is the meaning of performing logical operations on two numbers?

2 votes

other uses of soft core in fpga applications?

2 votes

Modelling Circuit from FSM using Verilog

2 votes

Set a constant high signal to low

2 votes

Resistance, and learning for beginners

2 votes

State switches in FSM

2 votes

Best FPGA to work with

2 votes

Xilinx Vivado: [Common 17-53] User Exception: Unable to launch Synthesis run. No Verilog or VHDL sources found in project

2 votes

How to give a 2-D array as output of a function in Verilog?

2 votes

CPLD: my first project

2 votes

VHDL top module problems

2 votes

VHDL: problem getting into state

2 votes

Bad synchronous description error in VHDL

2 votes

How to Implement this special selector?

2 votes

What is the synthesizable VHDL method for loop or memory module?

2 votes

12VDC power supply question

2 votes

PCB footprint of Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA

2 votes

Best way to build a 64-bit output multiplexer

2 votes

Math to predict current in circuit with different voltages in parallel