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Kurt E. Clothier's user avatar
Kurt E. Clothier's user avatar
Kurt E. Clothier
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
28 votes

Use AVR watchdog like normal ISR

26 votes

How fast does electricity flow?

24 votes

How do analog video signals work

23 votes

MOSFET as a switch?

15 votes

If we could start our electrical grid from scratch with today's technology, which would be the most efficient choice? AC or DC?

11 votes

Arduino Mega 2560 Max Voltage

11 votes

MOSFET symbol - what is the correct symbol

10 votes

Microcontrollers - Beginner questions

10 votes

Wiring 3v LEDs, what size battery?

9 votes

Shutdown Controller for Raspberry Pi in a car

8 votes

Its a good practice use dc-dc converters and linear regulators in the same design?

7 votes

What is this part called?

7 votes

Program AVR EEPROM directly from C source

6 votes

What is the difference between an alternator and a generator?

6 votes

Can I use two Arduino digital pins in parallel to keep a higher voltage?

6 votes

ATMEL's ARM programming without ASF

5 votes

What is the reason for adding a buffer stage?

5 votes

Circuit that switches one led or all three

5 votes

Can an Arduino use a 12 V relay?

5 votes

Building power/control interface for RGB LED strips

4 votes

How can charge be determined?

4 votes

Under what conditions should we use negative voltage?

4 votes

Splitting a power supply between two circuits

4 votes

How can I safely power two 3v motors from a 9v battery?

4 votes

Use PWM and ISR at same time on AVR

4 votes

PiSupply reverse engineering

4 votes

SAMD21 DAC example

4 votes

difference between CMSIS and ASF

3 votes

20Khz 50% duty cycle PWM generation Problem in atmega 328p

3 votes

Measuring power consumption