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  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
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series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
i couldn't find anything. that would mean it doesn't have protection. thanks for helping a student. :)
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
HELP! i've found the datasheet,‌​/… and this . i couldn't find anything mentioning it has protection! please, could you check it for me. the second datasheet has the battery test results with graphs. The SAMSUNG ICR18650 26F are protected batteries, but nothing is mentioned at its datasheet. so, there might be a chance those 22f are protected?
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
i don't know if the cells include that. i have the SAMSUNG ICR18650-22F. How do i check if it already includes protection? thank you.
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
I've looked online and found that only the in- and out- are connected directly. The battery- to the out- goes through a battery protection circuit with a dual MOSFET. Could use a dpdt switch to disconnect the 5V supply when a load is connected. Or it won't work that way too?
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
Okay... Let's suppose I charged the batteries individually and put then into the serial holder. But wouldn't it need a over-discharge protection for the 18650 cells?
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
So, I need a 12V rechargeable power supply for my project, I plan on using 18650 as I have a lot of them lying around. What would you suggest?
series charging three 18650 batteries with three chargers off the same 5V supply
here's the schematics of the charging module… and yeah, seems that in- is connected to out-. but, could we use it, like, its isn't providing any output when its charging. and when its providing output the 'in' 5v wires are disconnected? using a DPDT switch?