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Simon Fitch
  • Member for 3 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
69 votes

Why are there three pins in this relay diagram?

40 votes

H-Bridge blows the fuses in my house

39 votes

Why are kiloohm resistors more used in op-amp circuits?

29 votes

How many capacitors can make a battery?

24 votes

What is the purpose of an electrolytic capacitor in this small electronics project?

24 votes

Oscilloscope low side connection

22 votes

Has anyone measured what a high-impedance pin looks like?

22 votes

Why is there a voltage difference between these two grounds?

22 votes

Why does this battery use 4.2 V when its nominal voltage is 3.7 V?

22 votes

Will this short circuit to turn off an LED drain the battery?

21 votes

Function of capacitor on the output of a bridge rectifier

21 votes

Guard line preventing leakage current

21 votes

Instrumentation Amplifier with a gain of 1 doesn't output a different signal

21 votes

Can trying to draw too much current from alkaline batteries damage them?

20 votes

Voltage selector design problem

20 votes

MOSFET overheating in Arduino heating pad project

19 votes

With this AND gate made of transistors, why does the LED need a resistor in parallel instead of in series?

19 votes

Why is the MOSFET in this fan control circuit overheating?

17 votes

Will this mains disconnect circuit work?

17 votes

Are there integrated logic gates "AND with one inverted input"?

16 votes

2N2222 burning out in the lab at 22 V

15 votes

Does a resistor between two pairs of series resistors affect the equivalent resistance?

15 votes

Need help understanding schematics in LT1019 datasheet

14 votes

Why don't LEDs have built-in resistors?

14 votes

How do capacitors stop voltage spikes?

14 votes

Is it a good idea to perform I2C Communication in the ISR?

13 votes

Could a very high voltage and very low current allow a non-superconducting magnetic energy storage system?

13 votes

What are pull-up resistors for and how are their values calculated?

13 votes

Non-inverting op-amp

13 votes

Inverting op-amp problem

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