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Dr Coconut's user avatar
Dr Coconut
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
19 votes

Why isn't there a potential difference across a disconnected diode?

9 votes

Why does temperature modify the characteristics of a diode?

5 votes

Understanding Boost Converter

4 votes

Semiconductor thermal equilibrium

3 votes

Multiplexing I2C devices with MOSFETs

3 votes

Is a device with high voltage and low current safer than a device with low voltage but high current should you accidently bump into the +/- pins?

2 votes

How to read clock input on an arduino

1 vote

Arduino Serial connection

1 vote

A question about ultrasonic sensors in general

1 vote

How does a forward biased diode conduct electricity?

1 vote

Why does the circuits work with conventional current?

1 vote

How to amplify little signal of a photodiode using an OP amp?

0 votes

How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?

0 votes

Volts vs voltage