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Marla's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Colorado USA
56 votes

How to choose a flyback diode for a relay?

18 votes

Can I replace multiple NPN transistors with some kind of IC?

16 votes

Can I use a UA741 here?

13 votes

According to my understanding, this induction heater should be melted, but it's not. Why not?

11 votes

Can an oil bath replace a heatsink and fan?

10 votes

What to make with hundreds of 555 chips

8 votes

Circuit board without EDA

8 votes

FCC regulations for induction furnace

8 votes

Why do we need a bench electronic load equipment and can't just rely on a potentiometer instead?

7 votes

What is the difference between driving a MOSFET gate and an IGBT gate?

7 votes

Will an inductor wound using wire of 0.6438 mm (22 AWG) be close enough to 0.508 mm (25 SWG) for a neglectable difference?

7 votes

Why isn't there a non-conducting core wire for high-frequency coil applications

7 votes

How does a dead battery look in a circuit?

6 votes

Can anyone identify the microcontroller on an HC-SR04

6 votes

Can a "distributed gap" powdered-iron or ferrite toroidal core be used for a flyback converter's coupled inductor?

5 votes

Mains Linear Power Supply Protection

5 votes

TVS diode dissipation help

5 votes

Why have a small neon lamp in power supply input circuitry?

5 votes

555 IC - Transistor Tester

5 votes

Determining an industrial electromagnet coil's number of turns and wire diameter, etc

5 votes

Better options for induction coils than water-cooled copper

5 votes

What capacitor type is best for low tolerance and thermal stability?

5 votes

Are RF shields necessary?

4 votes

How to design a circuit with array of amplifiers?

4 votes

Wires from car battery to solenoid catching fire after connecting a second solenoid

4 votes

Can PC RCA jacks be used for ADC?

4 votes

What is the common name for this seal-in relay?

4 votes

Induction heating

4 votes

Measuring small inductances

3 votes

TVS specification understanding

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