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leftaroundabout's user avatar
leftaroundabout's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
36 votes

Why can't I light a LED with a 1.5 V battery?

19 votes

What do you call it when you add energy to an inductor?

13 votes

What happens if an LED is connected to a supply voltage greater than its voltage drop?

11 votes

How does a guitar body affect electromagnetic pickups?

10 votes

What to plug in first to usb charger when charging: wall outlet or cell phone and why?

7 votes

DIY guitar effect - delay

5 votes

Choose the better values (in terms of range) for resistors in this non-inverting op-amp circuit

4 votes

DC Motor very high acceleration

4 votes

Infinite thermal current noise in a wire?

3 votes

Inductive reactance: frequency vs current. Why current goes to zero as frequency increases?

2 votes

Why are switchers more efficient than linear regulators?

2 votes

Why is the linearity of a sensor a desirable feature?

1 vote

DSP - Voice Activity Detection: what are my options?

1 vote

Why does Ohm's law not work for vacuum cleaners?

1 vote

Ohm's law doesn't seem to be working for this electric motor

1 vote

Equivalent circuit of a non-ideal resistor

0 votes

Circuit to control a magnetic field, using a laminated core