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Ambiorix's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
18 votes

How can a phone wire have multiple frequencies at once?

14 votes

Multimeter into wall sockets

9 votes

Why are we not always isolating the mains supply?

9 votes

How does a passive 1x Scope probe work?

6 votes

why smartphones don't cause noise on the around speakers

6 votes

Why GCC compiler omitting some code?

5 votes

How to sketch the spectrum of \$m(t) = \cos(1000)t \times \cos(3000)t\$

5 votes

Resistor calculation

4 votes

Does a current transformer produce a proportional voltage or current?

4 votes

least GSM power in dBm required to send an SMS

4 votes

Can you use a single Bipolar Transistor as an AND gate?

4 votes

How to find the positive wire on wall charger

3 votes

What will happen to a transformer if rated output voltage is injected to the secondary terminal?

3 votes

Can we send text data over FM radio?

3 votes

How does this capacitor discharge?

2 votes

Breadboard 7408 2 input AND gate always supplying current, regardless of input

2 votes

Insufficient ground supply on my circuit? Ground capacitive foil

2 votes

Create a differential output signal

2 votes

Why don't phasors give the transient state?

2 votes

How does this electronic wall switch work with only a 2 wire circuit.

2 votes

Different digital signal input voltage than running voltage

2 votes

Derive Parameters for Unknown Flyback Transformer

2 votes

Full wave AC Voltmeter Vs True Rms Voltmeter

2 votes

Why would an audio circuit output through two caps like this?

1 vote

Spark at the Probe's ground lead

1 vote

How do I calculate the frequency accuracy of a Fluke DMM?

1 vote

Batteries in parallel vs voltage signals in parallel

1 vote

How to calculate the amplitude of a Wien Bridge Oscillator?

1 vote

How can I send one bit one mile with one battery?

1 vote

When do we prefer Laplace signal form instead of time signal form - Control Engineering