I pulled the converted PSpice file for the TI TPS2557 Power Switch directly from the TI website. Copied the contents into LTSpice and created a symbol using the LTSpice auto symbol creator. Verified X prefix is present. So far so good.
Run the transient simulation - no errors. Great! I probe OUT_1 to find that the output does something, but is virtually zero. It should be 5V. (tried higher resistances as well) Probing other nodes I see the expected voltages. Seems related to output only.
Combing through the subckt I see several subckts are being used.. and that's OK, ALL subckts are defined and accounted for. However, there are a few subckts defined in the file that are not used: CESR and SWITCH_PS... hmmm.
Enter TINA-TI. I open the TI version of the model using TINA-TI and see that they have a CESR capacitor outside of the TPS2557 macro. Back to LTSpice, autogenerate the symbol and attach X prefix to use CESR supplied subckt. Same problem. No voltage output.
I am curious if adding this unused subckt SWITCH_PS will help. Unfortunately I am not sure what it is or if it is needed. It has 3 nodes and appears to be a "switch" with a couple custom FETs. I assume it is specific to the TINA-TI simulation but can't find solid documentation. Anyone experienced this problem before? Suggestions? I can use TINA for this switch, but I am REALLY interested in the TPS2561, which only has PSPICE not TINA.
.SUBCKT NSW_PS D G S PARAMS: RONval=10k VTHval=0.7 VCHARval=0.01 CGval=0.01pF CDval=0.01pF CSval=0.01pf
RDDUM D 0 1e11
RSDUM S 0 1e11
RGDUM G 0 1e11
CG G D {CGval}
CD D S {CDval}
CS G S {CSval}
***EEXP F1 0 VALUE={LIMIT(((V(G,S)-VTHval)/VCHARval),-80,80)}
Etest test 0 VALUE={IF(V(D) > V(S), V(G,S), V(G,D))}
GOUT D S VALUE={V(D,S)/(RONval*(1+EXP(-LIMIT(((V(test)-VTHval)/VCHARval),-80,80))))}
.SUBCKT PSW_PS D G S PARAMS: RONval=10k VTHval=0.7 VCHARval=0.01 CGval=0.01pF CDval=0.01pF
RDDUM D 0 1e11
RSDUM S 0 1e11
RGDUM G 0 1e11
CG G D {CGval}
CD D S {CDval}
***EEXP F1 0 VALUE={LIMIT(((V(S,G)-VTHval)/VCHARval),-80,80)}
Etest test 0 VALUE={IF(V(S) > V(D), V(S,G), V(D,G))}
GOUT S D VALUE={V(S,D)/(RONval*(1+EXP(-LIMIT(((V(test)-VTHval)/VCHARval),-80,80))))}
.SUBCKT SWITCH_PS A SWD SWC PARAMS: vth=500e-3 ron=1e3 roff=1e6 tdelay=1e-9 trise=1e-9 tfall=1e-9 initval=0
***** boolean ************
EBUF1 Ypp 0 VALUE={IF(V(A) > ({vth}), {1-initval}, {initval})}
ROUTpp Ypp 0 1e11
***** add delay lines ****
XNSW1 OUTp Ypp 0 NSW_PS PARAMS: RONval={(tdelay+1e-15)/(1e-12*0.693)} VTHval=0.5
XPSW1 OUTp Ypp VSUP PSW_PS PARAMS: RONval={(tdelay+1e-15)/(1e-12*0.693)} VTHval=0.5
CDEL1 OUTp 0 1pF
ETHRESH Yp 0 VALUE={IF(V(OUTp) > 0.5, 1, 0)}
ROUTp Yp 0 1e11
** Add rise and fall *****
XNSW2 OUTr Yp 0 NSW_PS PARAMS: RONval={(trise+1e-15)/(1e-12*2.3)} VTHval=0.5
XPSW2 OUTr Yp VSUP PSW_PS PARAMS: RONval={(tfall+1e-15)/(1e-12*2.3)} VTHval=0.5
CDEL2 OUTr 0 1pF
***Switch ************
which corresponds to a 1 A limit. Since the input voltage is 5 V and the load is 50 m\$\Omega\$, that sounds like an overcurrent from the start. In fact, the limitation should kick in as soon as 50 mV input. Why not try a 3 \$\Omega\$ resistor for aPWL 0 0 0.5 5
source, for start? \$\endgroup\$CESR
(ref.d es.U_CES
) and how does it influence the output? \$\endgroup\$