The screenshot you have provided of the configuration bits shows a variance. Config 4 Bit 2 which is the Low Voltage ICSP Enable bit is disabled on the MicroC Screenshot??
I would be more suspect that your delay timings for the LCD screen are causing you the issues your seeing however.
To debug this problem you may want to try the following.
A) Create a simple program to flash an LED light and verify that the frequency of the light flashing is the same. Use the delay routines and verify they work correctly.
B) Carefully read and re-read your LCD datasheet. A delay of 100us compared to 100ms can make a huge difference in terms of getting the LCD to display outputcorrectly. I noticed thatIn your code you had noseem to be missing the delay after clearing the display. This is typically required.
C)When Also note that when repositioning the cursor delays are also required. The delays are dependent on the LCD you are using but the timings must be strictly adhered to. If not it is common that the LCD will not display correctly.
If you are able to verify that the clocks are running at the same frequency for MicroC and MPLAB XC8 we can eliminate the configuration bits and you will be able to focus more of your efforts on adjusting the LCD code.
Good luck.