C++ is more that one programming language:
a) It's a "better" C b) It's an object oriented language c) It's a language that allows us to write generic programs
Although all of these features can be used separately the best results are achieved when the three of them are used at the same time. Nonetheless, if you choose to pick just one of them the quality of the embedded software will increase.
a) It's a "better" C
C++ is a strong typed language; stronger than C. Your programs will benefit from this feature.
Some people is afraid of pointers. C++ includes the references. Overloaded functions.
And worth to say: None of these features incurred in bigger or slower programs.
b) It's an object oriented language
Someone said in this post that abstracting the machine in microcontrollers is not a good idea. Wrong! All of us, the embedded engineers, have always abstracted the machine, just with other sintax that that of C++. The problem I see with this argument is that some programmers are not used to think in objects, that's way they don't see the benefits of OOP.
Whenever you are ready to use a microcontroller's peripheral it's likely that the peripheral has been abstracted for us (from yourself or a third party) in the form of the device driver. As I said before, that driver uses the C sintax, as the next example shows (taken directly from a NXP LPC1114 example):
/* Timer setup for match and interrupt at TICKRATE_HZ */
Chip_TIMER_MatchEnableInt(LPC_TIMER32_0, 1);
Chip_TIMER_SetMatch(LPC_TIMER32_0, 1, (timerFreq / TICKRATE_HZ2));
Chip_TIMER_ResetOnMatchEnable(LPC_TIMER32_0, 1);
Do you see the abstraction? So, when using C++ for the same purpose, abstraction is brought to the next level through abstraction and encapsulation mechanism of C++, at zero cost!
c) It's a language that allows us to write generic programs
Generic programs are achieved through templates, and templates also have no costs for our programs.
Besides, static polymorphism is achieved with templates.
Virtual methods, RTTI and exceptions.
There is a compromise when using virtual methods: better software vs some penalty in performance. However, remember that dynamic binding is likely to be implemented using a virtual table (an array of function pointers). I have done the same in C a lot of times (even in a regular basis), so I don't see the drawbacks in using virtual methods. Moreover, virtual methods in C++ are more elegant.
Finally, an advice about RTTI and exceptions: DON'T USE THEM in embedded systems. Avoid them at all cost!!