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Aug 8, 2013 at 14:41 comment added tcrosley @Johan.A Yes, you are absolutely right. The HCS08 is an enhanced version of the HC05. I should have mentioned that. I think the derivation is something like 6800 -> 6801 -> 6805 -> HC(S)08. I wrote a lot of assembly code for the 6805. I compared the HCS08 to the 6809 to tie in with the other comments re the 68HC11 (which is roughly a microcontroller version of the 6809).
Aug 8, 2013 at 8:42 comment added Johan.A Wasn't the HC(S)08 derived from the HC05?
Mar 31, 2011 at 5:15 comment added tcrosley Actually I like the simplicity of the single accumulator, even though it can be a bottleneck. Instead of using the stack for temp variables, to start with I find it simpler to use the 144 bytes of direct page variables which are accessible with shorter instructions (the other 112 bytes of direct page are used for I/O registers). Using the stack (which allows for reentrant and recursive routines) can be learned later.
Mar 31, 2011 at 3:01 comment added Nick T The reduced number of registers the S08 has versus the HC11 can make things a little more difficult up front, as you'll need to figure out the stack do to much of anything (which was taught later in my lab with HC11s (or was it 12's)). By extension, AVRs are really nice because you have a whopping 32 registers to play with before worrying about the stack.
Mar 30, 2011 at 21:21 history answered tcrosley CC BY-SA 2.5