EDIT: As to your question: What physical mechanism prevents existence of a second oscillation and makes the first one dominant?
Your question touches the problem of oscillation start, phase noise and frequency uncertainties. I think, the answer requires some detailed explanations:
1.) At first, I think it is proved that thermal noise plays only a minor role during the starting phase. In reality, it is mainly the power switch-on transients of the reactive network which allows safe start of oscillations - if the condition for the loop gain LG>1 is fulfilled for a frequency in the vicinty of the desired oscillation frequency.
2.) Why in the "vicinity"? For LG>1 the system pole is NOT located at the imaginary axis (as in the ideal case) but slightly shiftet into the right half of the s-plane (RHP). This means: During start of the oscillation the frequency is not exactly as expected.
3.) What happens during and after amplitude/gain limitation? For the sake of simplicity let´s assume that we have a kind of AGC (for example: FET- controlled gain determining resistor). Now - for rising amplitudes, the gain is decreased and the system poles are shifted back to the imag. axis and slightly into the LHP before the control action brings the pole back again - and so forth. Result: Only at the very moment when the poles are directly on the imag. axis the frequency of oscillation assumes its designed value.
4.) Hence, this process of gain control causes the oscillation frequency NOT to be constant. Instead the frequency swings to a certain extent around the desired center frequency. At the same time, also the amplitude does not remain constant. This process (breathing of the amplitude) can be easily observed using circuit simulation. The corresponding time constant is determined by the time constant of the rectifying circuit feeding the controller. As a consequence, the signal output of the oscillator can be seen as a frequency (carrier) which is slightly modulated (FM and AM). However, for a well designed oscillator these deviations are within acceptable limits.
5.) Similar (but not the same ) effects can be observed for amplitude limitations caused by anti-parallel diodes. In this case, we face a rather complicated (non-linear) process consisting of limitation, transient generation, filtering and/or phase shifting. As a result, also in this case the frequency of oscillation slighly varies around the designed value.