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Timeline for lipo pack to 16vac inverter design

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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May 11, 2018 at 15:42 comment added John Wuethrich yeah, this got back shelved while i taught myself uv litho then designed a fet based dlc powered spot welder for bat packs. also a project putting a HID Proxi reader in a backpack which also involved using converters so other things were on diferential busses. learned to use my DI2C lol ill probably go all dc and p fet. with rectified voltage from existing tf (which presumably matches coil design +1.4%) just let it rip for a fraction of a second to pull solenoid in then pulse low duty to hold. played with sig gen door strike, fet and bench psu, seemed to work. Ty for the advice!
May 4, 2016 at 6:31 history answered Bruce Abbott CC BY-SA 3.0