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Aug 29, 2016 at 1:05 comment added Russell McMahon ... not meet a certain standard and/or show no signs of helping themselves or or appreciating what is being done for them then it would be better if the leave. I agree that if people persist in not trying or working at things then there comes a point where it's not worth attempting to help. Where the point is is moot - and in too many cases, misunderstandings occur early on that can be easily enough remedied. Much more could can be written ...
Aug 29, 2016 at 1:01 comment added Russell McMahon @EMFields It takes a while to appeciate (either way) most people's attributes and Olin is no exception. He can be extremely 'giving', happy to spend much time and effort on assisting people, and 'in another time line' freely donates the products of his expertise so that others can benefit from them. These various 'good points' do not excuse anything inexcusable BUT provide a broader context in which to see what a person is about.He and I both want people to help themselves and to achieve their aims. We have different ways of attempting to achieve it :-). He considers that if people will ...
Aug 28, 2016 at 19:36 comment added EM Fields With regard to Olin: I've only been here a year or so, so I'm still a newbie, but my view is that he seems to want to rule by intimidation, considers disagreement with his edicts to be blasphemous, and is willing to do whatever's necessary - right or wrong - to wear the catbird crown.
Aug 27, 2016 at 15:44 comment added Russell McMahon ... [Whether the above "seems" reflects reality is not something I know or that he's going to tell me :-).] | So eg in this case, I've ended with some fairly robust (and, hopefully, useful) input aimed at the O BUT preceded it by as much practical advice as seems reasonable at this stage. Best case he picks up the ball and runs with it. Worst case - you can't win them all. Lately a number of OP's have done brilliantly after very shaky starts. All good fun ... . :-)
Aug 27, 2016 at 15:40 comment added Russell McMahon @EMFields Yes. The flattery comment was a joke, of sorts. Sincere flattery always welcome :-). Kindness seems warranted often enough. Over the years (since long before Stack Exchange days) I've tried to take note of what Olin has to say about dealing with people, what his aims are and how effective and how reasonable the approach is. He and I have many major aims in common when it comes to trying to get the best from people BUT our approaches are "somewhat different" and he seems neither to see any merit in my approach or to acknowledge that I care about improving people's abilities. ...
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:24 history edited Russell McMahon CC BY-SA 3.0
added 954 characters in body
Aug 26, 2016 at 1:34 comment added EM Fields I"m not about that, but I do like kindness, when warranted.
Aug 26, 2016 at 1:15 comment added Russell McMahon @EMFields Flattery will get you somewhere :-)
Aug 26, 2016 at 1:13 comment added EM Fields An upvote and, as always, a pleasure to read you. :)
Aug 26, 2016 at 0:56 history answered Russell McMahon CC BY-SA 3.0