Look through the internet, you will find pinout. Here's what I found here
Pin1,2 = +3.3V === 6A
Pin3,4 = COM
Pin5,6 = +5V === 4A
Pin7 = -12V === 0.6A
Pin8 = +12V === 2A
Pin1,2 = +3.3V === 6A
Pin3,4 = COM
Pin5,6 = +5V === 4A
Pin7 = -12V === 0.6A
Pin8 = +12V === 2A
ButEdit: thanks for sure you will need to ensure that it is really that power supply, that itposting the picture. It is not faulty.that one I found :P
I guess if something wrong will happen to breadboard, manufacturer will be refusing from warranty obligations because you did not use recommended power supply (if such was recommended by them). Thus think twice before re-using it.