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For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 30k resistor, this will output 4.99V and use only about 234uA @ 12Vin.
In this case:
R1 is absorbingconsuming 234uA x (12V - 4.99V) = 1.64mW
D1 is absorbingconsuming 234uA x 4.99V = 1.17mW

Total power consumption: 2.81mW (when input is high)

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 30k resistor, this will output 4.99V and use only about 234uA @ 12Vin.
In this case:
R1 is absorbing 234uA x (12V - 4.99V) = 1.64mW
D1 is absorbing 234uA x 4.99V = 1.17mW

Total power consumption: 2.81mW (when input is high)

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 30k resistor, this will output 4.99V and use only about 234uA @ 12Vin.
In this case:
R1 is consuming 234uA x (12V - 4.99V) = 1.64mW
D1 is consuming 234uA x 4.99V = 1.17mW

Total power consumption: 2.81mW (when input is high)

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For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuitsimulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 10k30k resistor, this will output 54.04V99V and use only about 700uA234uA @ 12Vin. 
The maximum input voltage is limited by the power absorbed by D1, which will be the current passing through it times the voltage difference between input and output.

InIn this case, D1:
R1 is absorbing only: 700uA234uA x (12V - 54.04V99V) = 1.64mW
D1 is absorbing 234uA x 4.87mW99V = 1.17mW

Total power consumption: 2.81mW (when input is high)

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 10k resistor, this will output 5.04V and use only about 700uA @ 12Vin. The maximum input voltage is limited by the power absorbed by D1, which will be the current passing through it times the voltage difference between input and output.

In this case, D1 is absorbing only: 700uA x (12V - 5.04V) = 4.87mW

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 30k resistor, this will output 4.99V and use only about 234uA @ 12Vin. 
In this case:
R1 is absorbing 234uA x (12V - 4.99V) = 1.64mW
D1 is absorbing 234uA x 4.99V = 1.17mW

Total power consumption: 2.81mW (when input is high)

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For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 10k resistor, this will output 5.04V and use only about 700uA @ 12Vin. The maximum input voltage is limited by the power absorbed by D1, which will be the current passing through it times the voltage difference between input and output.

In this case, output will be 5.04V, so D1 is absorbing only: 700uA x (12V - 5.04V) = 4.87mW

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 10k resistor, this will output 5.04V and use only about 700uA @ 12Vin. The maximum input voltage is limited by the power absorbed by D1, which will be the current passing through it times the voltage difference between input and output.

In this case, output will be 5.04V, so D1 is absorbing only: 700uA x (12V - 5.04V) = 4.87mW

For voltage independency, use a resistor to regulate the current and a Zener to regulate voltage, like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

With a 10k resistor, this will output 5.04V and use only about 700uA @ 12Vin. The maximum input voltage is limited by the power absorbed by D1, which will be the current passing through it times the voltage difference between input and output.

In this case, D1 is absorbing only: 700uA x (12V - 5.04V) = 4.87mW

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