Traditionally ring mains for lighting have been (relatively) low current AC mains typically at 110/230VAC.
It makes sense these days to replace that with lower power, lower voltage wiring to more diectly drive LED lights (and wallwarts repolacements?).
The question being, what is the optimimum voltage? I assumed previously that 12VDC would be best but I am seeing lighting products and dev kits running from 48VDV (not to mention 24VDC).
Obviously, double the voltage, halve the current. But at some voltage point various regulations kick in (depending on jurisdiction).
Righ now, in my house, the ring mains is fused at 5A per floor. At 12VDC that would be a 60W limit for LED lighting. Just about enough for me, but 24DVC would provide 120W which is more than enough.
Are there any standards in place for this kind of repurposing of existing wiring?
Ultimately, I am looking to run almost everything from solar/battery