I have scoured the net for a direct answer but people always end up talking resistor because they dontdon't have constant amperagecurrent.
I have a constant amperagecurrent power supply. LedsLEDs are 700ma700 mA and vary between 2.0 -2 2.2 forward voltage to 3.2 -3 3.4fv4 Vf.
My question is:
If I run one 2.2fv led2 Vf LED in series with a 3.4fv4 Vf led and have my power set at 700ma700 mA then I would need to also supply 5.6 volts. Does running the different forward voltage matter? As long as only 700ma700 mA is supplied I beleivebelieve I could supply 5.6 to infinity volts without causing damage..?.?
Basically the inverse of conventional circuits with constant voltage and unlimited ish amperage-ish current.