which may be the cause of this transistor problem?
- Too much heat generated and the transistor internals suffered melt down.
You didn't mention the amount of heat-sinking you had applied to the transistor so this is a definite maybe.
- Back emf from the DC motor exceeded the reverse bias for the base-emitter junction.
This is rated at -7 volts so be aware of this. Try putting a reverse diode across base and emitter. I would also put a 100 nF capacitor across the motor because if the potentiometer made a slight stutter and produced a wildly changing demand voltage at the emitter the back-emf generated from the motor's inductance will be high (potentially hundreds of volts).
Put a 100 nF capacitor across R2 as well (to keep the pot output steady).
Also check that the BDX53C hasn't suffered - this could be another clue - maybe the BDX53 went pop (due to reverse base-emitter voltage (it is only rated at 5 volts) and, in turn, destroyed the BUV20 output transistor.