I am wondering if someone could help me. Please accept my apologies if this post is off topic.
I am looking for an off the shelf component for a project I am currently working on. Due to the nature of the project I cannot go into much detail about the project itself, only give a high level overview of the requirements of the desired component. I am not an electronic engineer, I am from the dark side of software engineering, so please forgive me if any of my terminology is wrong, I find myself thrown in at the deep end of this project.
I am looking for a component which can sit on the frame of a door (with part on the door itself (very similar to a burglar alarm sensor in the UK)). When the circuit is broken, the component should be able to perform a HTTP GET/POST to a URL (probably located on the local network - but not necessarily).
To this end, my component requirements are as follows:
- Wireless equipped (not to fussy on standards as this point, as long as major encryption formats are supported).
- Ability to GET/POST to a url in event of a break in the circuit.
- Low power consumption.
- Configurable
- Ability to exchange the power source (swap batteries)
The component should provide a SDK (at this point in time, the language used to call the SDK is not important) which can configure the device (for example, setup network configurations, give the device a unique identifier (as multiple could be used on the same network)). I do not know enough about the range of components avaiable which fit my requirements to specify how configuration should take place, but in my head I imagine it being hard-wired to a computer to perform the configuration.
Are there any such components available which would fit my requirements?