I've been working on these end chapter problems from my book and noticed that something is either wrong and contradicting to the concept I was taught, or there is some concept I missed entirely.
For the 2 problems below hereHere are the figures, for the two problems below:
Notice that for problem 1.21 that it says that element A is "Absorbing""absorbing" power and problem 1.22 that it is "Supplying""supplying" power.
When iI do the calculations based on the following rule, Current leaving the "+" side and Powerpower > 0, then Powerpower is "Supplied""supplied" otherwise if Powerpower < 0 then Powerpower is "Absorbed""absorbed"
So 3A3 A leaves 15V15 V from the + end and the Powerpower, P = VI, is 45W45 W, 45 > 0 and thus power should be "Supplied""supplied" but the problem says it is being Absorbed?Amabsorbed.
Again with problem 1.22 but this time, it is entering + so the rule states, Current current entering the "+" end and Powerpower > 0, then Powerpower is "Absorbed""absorbed" otherwise if Powerpower < 0 then Powerpower is "Supplied""supplied"
So 2A2 A enters 20V20 V from the + end and the Powerpower is 40W40 W, 40 > 0 thus power should be "Absorbed" but"absorbed", but the problem says it is being Suppliedsupplied.
Now back to main question, is it that I am wrong, and through some concept I missed, that problem 1.21 is actually -45V45 V absorbed and not -45 V supplied, and the same with problem 1.22?