I have some Hall effect flowmeters that pulse their input voltage on their signal line appear to work more accurately at the top end of their input voltage range (5-12 V). The problem is my controller is a Raspberry Pi with 3.3 V GPIOs which reportedly will fry with a 12 V input.
I am a novice with electronics. It appears that a voltage divider would work if I can find an appropriate pair of resistors; 3.3 V from 12 V is the target, but I believe the Raspberry Pi will perceive anything above 2.2 V to be "High" and register the pulse. My main problem is finding room on my project board for four pairs of resistors.
Is a voltage divider "the" way to do this (reduce a potential 12 V PWM down to a 3.3 V PWM signal) or is there a better way?
EDIT - Data sheet - I cannot find such a thing, however, the flowmeters are made by Gredia, they have many models, varying in size; I have three different models, 201, 301, 402B, here is one I bought from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MY7H45V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1. I did not receive any data sheet with any of the meters I bought, other than what the three conductors are, and the Amazon page had better detail.
Sorry I'm not much help, when I power these with 3.3 V, I can read the pulses on a GPIO, using Raspberry Pi's "pull down" argument.