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Timeline for Altium Library Management

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

6 events
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Oct 17, 2023 at 8:17 comment added Tom L. Becasue the DbLib itself doesn't store SchLib and PcbLib files. It's just the glue that bringts everything together: SchLib/PcbLib with Part Parameters and a unique Part Identifier
Oct 16, 2023 at 10:21 comment added Kubra - So why its not enough only db.lib . Why do I need to combinate db.lib and git
Oct 16, 2023 at 5:53 comment added Tom L. DbLib is perfectly fine. We're a team of 10 and are using it. It's more important how you store your schematic symbols and footprints so changes can be traced. Also, always ensure that your database/GIT combination stays in sync. Do not rename a footprint which is used at some other place. You can e.g. use issus' Altium library to extract properties automatically and ensure that synchronicity. Requires some coding but you can do lots of cool things.
Oct 16, 2023 at 5:33 comment added Kubra Thank for your comment its very useful. In the company also they are using Db.Lib. But I want to improve the library. I need to do some more research on the git library method. It's new for me. I have a valid license so I will join the forum on
Oct 16, 2023 at 5:23 vote accept Kubra
Oct 14, 2023 at 17:17 history answered Tom L. CC BY-SA 4.0