So, your 1A current drives up the cost slightly, because you need a slightly larger solid-state relay (SSR).
So, roughly the circuitry would need to contain the following.
- A power source. I'd go with a Li-Ion photo cell ("CR123A" or similar, whatever you get cheaply), as these have decades of shelf life, and contain enough charge (typically, 1500 mAh) to power a 30 mA-consuming solid state relay for roughly 50 hours, or 360000× 15s on periods. That should do :) Plus, they're cheap, and easily to source locally.
- the connector to the button/switch, and the connector to the toy
- A latching MOSFET high-side switch, controlled by the external button
- A logic gate (e.g. a simple "NOT"; see a list of viable examples; honestly, go with the SN74LVC1G14DBVR) with a Schmitt trigger input and a supply voltage range covering ca 2.0 V to 3.0 V
- a potentiometer through which you charge a capacitor, connected to the Schmitt-triggered input (e.g., a 2 MΩ trimmer, charging a 4.7 µF capacitor)
- a solid state relay, controlled by the logic gate (incl. an appropriate series resistor for the input side; assuming you'll use something like the Toshiba TLP241A with 30 mA forward current at 1.27 V typical fwd voltage, you want (3 - 1.27)V / (30 mA) = 56Ω)
- you connect the toy to the output side of the SSR
Note that I haven't tested this; you should probably put all this from the left end up to (including) C3 in a simulator. You want low logic-level MOSFETs, so something with a an absolute gate threshold voltage < 1.8 V, i.e. for the p-channel MOSFETs, 0 V > VGS(thresh) > -1.8 V, for the n-channel MOSFETS 0 V < VGS(thresh) < 1.8 V. Candidates are plenty, but an n-Channel option would be the SSM3K16FV, p-Channel SSM3J35AMFV