I'm working on a hobby project which involves a raspberry piRaspberry Pi (zero) and I want to connect 2 cameras to it. One is the raspberry piRaspberry Pi HQ camera with a tele- lens, the other one is a cheap wide angle camera. I've seen there are some multiplexing modules made just for that (mentioned in a similar post on this platform), but they're a bit pricey, and I'm thinking maybe that's a bit overkill for me. I'm trying to keep the parts count down because eventually this project will end up on a drone and can easily be lost. So the cheaper and jankier this whole thing is, the better.
My idea is to just wire both cameras in parallel and then splice up the ribbon cable and make some small logic circuit that will send power only to the needed camera. Is there any reason why I shouldn't do this? Looking at the pinout of the camera interface, I sesee that it's power + ground + i2cI2C + some diff pairs. Power and i2cI2C shouldn't be a problem iI guess. Is it bad to have diff pairs connected in parallel to an unpowered second camera?
One issue I see here is that there's obviously some initialization going on when the raspberry boots up. So if it starts with one camera and then I hot-swap the other one, it will not work. But I'm thinking it should be possible to switch power to the second camera and then re-run this whole initialization part, right? Or at the worst case, reboot the whole raspberry?
I don't need the cameras to work at the same time and don't really need fast switching between them. So if it takes 10, 20, 40 seconds to switch I'm good, as long as it works at least.