I have PIC18F67K22 controller.I am making data logging system.I am using M25PE80 external flash for storing data.
I have PIC18F67K22 controller. I am making data logging system. I am using M25PE80 external flash for storing data.
I am storing session wise data in external flash.Also I am storing start and stop address of every session in PIC internal EEPROM.
I am storing session wise data in external flash. Also I am storing start and stop address of every session in PIC internal EEPROM.
So How can i delete individual session to manage all session???
So How can I delete individual session to manage all session?
For Example:-If we have store six session in flash and we want to delete 3rd session then all data after 3rd session is overwrite to 3rd session to last session means all session is moving towards.
For example: If we have stored six session in flash and we want to delete the 3rd session then all data after the 3rd session is overwrite to 3rd session to last session means all session is moving towards.