I am reading this link about ferrite beads and in page 2, figure 2, there is a SPICE circuit to emulate the ferrite beads frequency response.
Why there is an AC Current Source in the circuit? Why just dont "plug" the bead to the AC Voltage sorce and Ground and run the simulation?
Can any one run the simulation and get the same results as the paper? I tried and only works with different values, which makes me wonder if I am wrong or they are.
LTspice netlist:
*Ferrite bead subcircuit as AN583:
.SUBCKT ferriteAltera port1 port2
R1 port1 11 0.15
L1 11 port2 54n
C1 11 port2 178f
R2 11 port2 70
.ENDS ferriteAltera
* Simulation as Altera's AN583
VAltera Altera 0 1 AC 1 0
X1-Altera Altera outputAltera ferriteAltera
IAltera outputAltera 0 AC 1 0
Simulation result using LTspice: