I feel a bit silly here. I managed to build a complex multi-board block of digital logic, but I can't figure out how to plug in a wire...
My plan was to buy a simple set of standard square-pin connectors, solder those to my PCB, and then connect to it with some ribbon cable. Well, I mean, I need 4 wires, so actual ribbon is maybe excessive. I thought I could just poke 4 separate wires on there.
Anyway, I purchased some 4-pin headers, and some 4-pin IDC plugs. Reading Wikipedia, I was under the impression that "IDC" means you just mash the wires in there and the blades are supposed to cut through the insulation, but... well, I can't get it to work at all.
I tried just smooshing the wire in there, but it easily falls out again. I tried pressing it down with the end of a screwdriver, but it still comes out, and the insulation is clearly still perfectly intact. Heck, I even tried stripping the ends of the wire and soldering it in there, but that didn't work either.
Am I supposed to use some kind of special tool to insert the wires or something?? How is this stuff meant to work?
The actual item in question is
It plugs into the header just fine, but I can't figure out how to put wires into it. Supposedly it works with "AWG 22" wire, and the datasheet for my wire says it's "AWG 23", which I believe is meant to be thinner, so...