I just started to learn how to use EAGLE PCB software.
The device I wanted to draw as the first try containing two elements that are not in the libraries provided with Eagle out of the shelf: ATtiny861A and TDA5051A.
Most of the searches drives me to element14 site which is as I understand one of the most trusted for Eagle packages (as it is a main Asia Passific region CADSOFT seller). However NXP's library and Atmel library which I downloaded from element14 site does not contain those elements. There are ATtiny26 which is similar to ATtiny861A from the pinout and packaging point of view but I have nothing for TDA5051A.
I could expect that almost any component I can even imagine already was created by someone earlier. So I just have to find it in the right way to avoid extra job creating this element by my self and avoid some mistakes which I can make or someone can make.
So the questions are:
What is the best practice to find libraries for Eagle?
How can I be sure that the library I found is a good quality?