I have been working on a beaglebone-black based mini project which involves displaying a GUI on a screen and displaying sensor values. I have been using python to create the GUI and also interacting sensor slaves connected to the beaglebone.
I have to also send regular packets of sensor data received in the beaglebone-black to a pc. I have thought of connecting the beaglebone to a wlan using a usb dongle and transmitting data over the wlan to the pc. Are there any particular libraries in python or linux to transmit such mini packets to the pc at a fast rate?
The problem is that my pc will have a GUI which will take these values and process them in a more user friendly manner (graphs, lists, etc)
A few references regarding connection of wifi with beaglebone:
[1] https://www.crazypi.com/index.php?route=blog/post&post_id=22