I've been using STM32 ARM microcontrollers for more than two years, the best way of coding that I've found is using the CMSIS and ST std peripheral libraries, and I think it has no restrictions or any main disadvantages.
But now I want to try HAL drivers to compare with std libraries. It seems that ST has introduced a tool, "STM32CubeMX", that could graphically configure the microcontroller and generate code based on HAL drivers. My problem is that I don't want to use their graphical tool to generate my codes, but after many searches on the Internet I couldn't find any tutorial or example to use HAL drivers directly in my project.
However ST has an user manual that describes anything about HAL drivers, but unfortunately it is about 1300 pages and I think it takes me much time to read.
I really prefer a short instruction or maybe a simple example project for using GPIOs.