I'm currently working on a RGB enabled controller stand that will include a circuit that does do two things:
- charge the controllers
- control RGB strips on the mount
I'm pretty new to electronics, and I never designed a circuit before, so I was hoping you would be able to tell me if i did anything wrong in this circuit:
The circuit includes an ATtiny chip that will be programmable via the USB-C input, which will also provide power (5 V, 3A. 5.1 kΩ pull-downs for USB-C power are omitted here as the breakout board comes with them pre-installed). It also has components for the RGB strip, including a switch that will toggle the lightning effect.
I'm hoping this circuit will allow me both to power everything over USB-C as well as reprogram the ATtiny if I want to. Would it actually work?
Edit: I fixed some basic mistakes in the circuit.