This is a very recurrent question, about calculating the battery life given certain circuit current usage.
This example will be similiar to this one in terms of the battery used and the consideration of the load affecting the battery capacity.
Goal is to know if having batteries in parallel affects the way the load decreases capacity
So, let's set this example, with as much detail as I can.
An RPI 3B that's using 500 mA (assumed is steady, which it won't be, but let's say), that is based on this estimation and the official consumptions, seems like a good number.
Now let's assume that we have these batteries, which state that at 500 mA consumption, they will have 1500 mAh approx.
So, now the battery connection, let's say we have 2 packs of 4 AA batteries each, each pack is connecting the batteries in series, so you would have 6 V / 1500 mAh on each pack.
Here's where the question comes: in plain numbers, if you connect those packs in parallel, you would end up having an output of 6 V / 3000 mAh.
Therefore run time would be 1500 mAh / 500 mA = 3 hours, right?
But, wouldn't the load (in terms of stress that affects capacity) be less for each battery on each pack, if we're connecting those things in parallel, so the cell capacity drop is less?
My gut says this would be negligible, and therefore this is overthinking, but I'm curious.