
I try to setup STM32F407ZGT6 chip to work with ADC throught DMA, currently I'm using HAL lib for fast prototype but have some problem. I set up ADC as 3 chanel Scan Continous mode using DMA in circular mode with Peripheral-to-Memory mode with length Word. I checked max freq for ADC (36MHz) and divide my CoreFreq (72MHz) by 4. ADC HAL Setup


In code I create variable uint32_t adc_value[3] And run ADC HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t *)&adc_value, 3); before main loop. For voltage adjustments and tests I use 1kOhm potentiometer, but while I change resistance nothing happeng, and values jump randomly between 2047, 4096 (2 values, I mean I can see only 2 values).

Whats interesting I used the same setup in STM32F103 (BluePill) and all works fine. Maybe I missed something, because F4 chip has more wider settings. Thanks

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Check system frequencies. F407 is capable of running at 168MHz system clock, APB2 prescaler should be 2 in this case. If it is a custom board, check power on all inputs, connection of the decoupling capacitors. Perhaps try higher values of ADC prescaler. \$\endgroup\$
    – Flexz
    Commented Jan 30, 2023 at 6:02
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks to @Flexz! I checked all params and hardware part and decade to resolder chip and all strange parts. And aftrer that all works as expected! So problem was on bad PCB asembly \$\endgroup\$
    – Alexey
    Commented Jan 30, 2023 at 17:12

1 Answer 1


Prablem was on hardware, after resolder chip and some problem parts all works fine. In my case i use that board from Ali enter image description here


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