I looked up the sensors for the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) space telescope:
It uses 32 81x81mm CCD (not CMOS) sensors, each with 4510x4510 18 micron wide pixels. Due to the enormous pixels, the saturation power is nearly 1 million photons, far more than could be counted with a 16 bit sensor.
They split the array up into fast (2.5s) and slow (tens of seconds) exposure sensors, with the former being used for orientation and angular control of the space craft. The latter do long exposure to monitor the brightness of stars.
Interestingly they use 14 bit ADCs for the fast sensors and 16 bit for the long integration time slow sensors. No explanation is given, but presumably they do not require more than 16 bits dynamic range (although they could have chosen more).
Stopping at 16 bit probably makes sense. 96 dB dynamic range is very high for an optical signal given shot noise statistics. Considering shot noise, at saturation the sensor would have a shot noise standard deviation of nearly 1000 photons (sqrt(N)). If the gain of the ADCs was set to 10 photons per DN for an experiment, they could record up to 655350 photons per pixel and still have a quantization step size 100-fold smaller than the shot noise. At the same time, the sensor read noise is more than 20 photons, so their quantization size would also be less than half the minimum sensitivity, so they aren't losing anything at the low end either.
I'm not sure if anyone has ever made a sensor with >16 bits. Probably someone somewhere has, but as you can see it requires truly extreme conditions to make much difference. Often I suspect 16 bit is used because relatively cost effective, not because it will have a significant effect on real images.