I'm working with a project which involves Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. Super simple schematic will just broadcast an unique number of the beacon. These beacons are used in a warehouse which is about 100 x 100 meters, with possible expand to more and bigger warehouses, and they are used to identify cartons.
We plan that operator will carry iPhone 4s/5, where our small application would scan BLE channels, find our beacons and collect numbers.
However, there is one thing I cannot grasp. There is an Advertising mode in Bluetooth LE specs, with the summary like this: "An advertiser uses the advertising procedure to perform unidirectional broadcasts to devices in the area. The unidirectional broadcast occurs without a connection between the advertising device and the listening devices. The advertising procedure can be used to establish connections with nearby initiating devices or used to provide periodic broadcast of user data to scanning devices listening on the advertising channel. The advertising procedure uses the advertising physical channel for all advertising broadcasts."
So, as far as I understand, we will have to include some header information to help our app differentiate "our" BLE beacons from other BLE advertising devices around. Is it overall possible to just periodically scan the channels and read beacon data? Or is it like "old" Bluetooth so we will have to introduce all beacons to our devices first before it will be possible to read data from them?..
Also I wonder how much beacons would it be possible to read in, say, 10 meter radius in, say, 5-10 seconds?.. There may be about 500 beacons in this radius.
Opinions and suggestions are very welcome. Thanks.