Before I get any thumb-downs, I would like to mention that I have read all the questions posted regarding the issue I have, but none of them had a working answer to my problem. Here's my problem: I have recently plugged in an DC motor directly to my Arduino UNO, and it resulted in the atmega328p being completely fried. So, I went ahead and purchased a new ATMEGA328P-PU and replaced it with the toast one. The computer, however, still won't recognize my chip. My questions are: Why is my microcontroller not being recognized? Is there a chance that what I've done have completely fried the microcontroller, not only the bootloader?
Things I have tried/observed: I have noticed that the new bootloader blinks the 'L' LED. My assumption here is that the bootloader comes pre-compiled with the 'Blink' project. I own 7 computers (with the three major OSs on them). None of my computers was able to recognize the microcontroller (so at least now I know it's not an issue with the USB connection).
I am considering buying a new Arduino UNO, but before I do so, I really need to know what exactly is wrong with this one, just to avoid encountering similar issues in the future.
I know I'm desperate and slightly out of options when I end up posting on stackoverflow. So, I'd highly appreciate any contribution to solve my problem.