Linked Questions

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4 answers

Is this transformer-less power supply a good idea? [duplicate]

This is based on a design I found somewhere , I just wanted to know whether this is a good idea ,I intend to use this to power a microcontroller and a 70 ohm 5 V relay . The cap c1 limits the current ...
Vrisk's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Converting universal AC to 3.3v DC @ 0.1A

There's a bunch of topics around this but i haven't found something that fits my requirements. I'd imagine this is a fairly common thing though so any pointers would be appreciated Basically i want ...
Antti's user avatar
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2 answers

How exactly should I build a smart wall light switch for a smart home

I'm planning to build a smart home system and as you know smart wall light switches are a important part of it. I've been digging around for almost two weeks but still couldn't find what I'm looking ...
mostafanfs's user avatar
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Does AC voltage charge capacitors?

I was testing an old power supply(didn't work!) which have EMI filter caps on the inputs, when I disconnected the power source (220v AC), I touched the plug metal parts and I got an electric,...
iMohaned's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Wide input voltage range buck converter/circuit to 3.3V 150mA

I am building an appliance that should work in very wide range input voltage: In some scenarios input is 5VAC, in other scenarios it can be 250VAC. It's not a problem to convert AC to DC, then ...
Ivy Growing's user avatar
-2 votes
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AC-DC 5V 700mA 3.5W Power Supply Buck Converter Step Down Module [closed]

I am trying to implement 220V AC-DC 5V converter on my custom PCB. Anyone can refer me to the circuit schematic that is being used in the referred link below. I am expecting the converter to have main ...
ousama kanawati's user avatar
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1 answer

Wi-Fi controlled light; 230VAC - 12VDC/3.3VDC

I try to connect an ESP8266-12 and a 12V RGB LED strip to 230V AC. Based on this link, I've came to the following scheme. This will also be the first time I will etch a PCB myself. The partlist will ...
Wouter's user avatar
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'Dielectric Strength' parameter meaning for cheap inductior coils

Initially I need an inductor to be used in cheap low-power AC-DC power supply. I'd like to use LNK304 solution: When I reached 1mH coil I found Bourns 77F coils: very cheap (only 8 cents at some ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
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2 answers

A 1.44 W Universal Input Buck Converter

In the following post 230V AC to 5V DC converter, lossless , the 1.44 W Universal Input Buck Converter was mentioned. In the LNK304 datasheet (applications section) ,
ousama kanawati's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

AC to DC low power Converter

I am looking for low power power supply without transformer. Input \$110V-230V\$, Output plan to use 7805 regulator IC. Application demand \$5V/3.V, 150-250mA. \$ In input side I ...
Ajit's user avatar
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