I'm considering hiring an electrical engineer to design an emergency power supply for use in embedded microcontroller devices. This power supply only needs to hold ~15 seconds of charge (enough time to safely shut down the devices). I would like to support 12V and up to 2A. Juice4Hault produces a Supercapacitor UPS, but thier prices are very high. Batteries aren't reliable since they degrade and corrode over time.
I found some cheap parts that I hope will keep production costs low:
2.7V 100F Supercapacitors ($2.30 each)
5.5V 4F Supercapacitors (x2, $1.20 each)
LM2623 DC Booster ($0.50 each)
Basically I would like to use low voltage supercaps and a voltage booster to convert extra amps into higher voltage output. Where I'm lost is interpreting the LM2623 datasheet. Could it reliably boost these Supercaps into 12V 2A 15-second output? If not, Are there any alternatives?