I'm building a control panel for an old altitude training machine and I need to measure the output of an oxygen sensor with an arduino. The oxygen sensor (medical oxygen sensor OOM202) is a micro fuel cell which outputs a voltage between 200μV and 20mV depending on the oxygen level. I'm using a LMC6482 CMOS dual rail-to-rail op amp running on a supply of 5 volts to amplify the signal before feeding it into the analogue input of an Arduino Uno. The resistor connecting pins 1 and 2 is 270kΩ and the resistor connecting pin 2 to ground is 1kΩ, though later I changed these to 20kΩ and 100Ω respectively (to no avail).
I've dont as much as I can to reduce the noise in the input signal, which is now coming through to the op-amp input at about the right voltage, however the output of the op amp is hovering around .5V with an input of around 13.5mV.