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Results tagged with relay
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user 83541
A relay is an electrically controlled switch. Electromechanical relays use an electromagnet to activate mechanical contacts, solid-state relays use semiconductor switches.
Toggle Circuit with Pause
A micro controller would be ideal for doing this.
You could however use a 555 timer running at 1Hz, a 4017 decade counter and a 4072 dual four input OR gate. The waveform can be sliced into 10 sectio …
Wiring to control 12V relay (SRD-12VDC-SL-C) manually
Connect the module as in the edited picture below and see if it works. The module may need a 12v supply, but will more than likely trigger from a 5v input from the raspberry pi.
Trying to pull a pin on my Gates control board down to GND without a relay
You should be using an NPN transistor if you are expecting it to work the same as your relay version in your schematic. … You should check how much current is being drawn through the relay contacts when they are closed and the voltage across them when open to ensure you choose a transistor that can take the voltage and current …
What is the the purpose of the capacitor in this relay circuit?
The data sheet for that relay -
Shows that it is a latching relay. … The capacitor will allow a pulse of current to the relay coil to activate the latch, but will then block the DC. Once latched no further current will be drawn. …
To what pins of the relay do I need to connect a device to be able to control that device ? ...
When you activate the relay, it connects the COM and NO connections together. When you deactivate the relay it connects the COM and NC connections together. …
Motor with two endstops using limit switches
I believe this should work for what you want.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Can I use a current divider to protect my IC?
The relay is currently connected to the same power supply as the 555. … Add a flyback diode to both the relay and solenoid. …
Does two different regulators act as different power supplies for MCU and Relays
It could be that your transformer is not capable of supplying the current needed to turn all of the relays on. When you try to turn them on, the voltage probably drops enough for the MCU to Brown-out …